Global Mentorship

Empower Women

Global mentorship is important because it connects women with empowered women from elsewhere to tangibly show that there is a whole world of other people who know about them and who care. It serves to make one’s world be less isolated and to empower through friendship.

Additionally, this program exists to serve similar ends for our global mentors. News media does a poor job of delineating what it means to be a person from the KRI. As with anywhere, citizens are complex and not part of a single group, despite dangerous marginalization into stereotypes. People here are more than a Sunni/Shia issue. They are more than an insurgency.

Global mentors will undergo a similar screening and intake process, in that they will be required to sign confidentiality agreements and receive training prior to becoming a mentor. Unlike local mentorship, however, all communication between global mentors and participants will be delivered through the organization and evaluated for content prior to recipient delivery. Mentors and participants can share as little or as much information as they prefer. Global mentorship is based on the idea that seemingly small friendship yields empowerment and growth of self-worth.


Establishing Best Practices

Our Global Mentorship Program serves a similar role to its Kurdistan Local Mentorship counterpart, but where women from around the world can connect with women in the KRI. In our field research, when women learned that Erika came “all the way from America” to talk with and meet with women, they felt that such an effort was reflective of their true worth, because she traveled so far. It made them feel important to know someone from another place in the world cared about them and it enhanced their sense of self-worth.


How can you help?


Connect with vulnerable women and empower through friendship


Bring your unique skills and talents, we appreciate what you can offer


Help fund our programs and provide urgently needed resources

Spread the Word

Share our message and programs with otherrs who may be able to help